September 2023 Newsletter

Barbara Schenk • September 5, 2023

**Please note: Worship times change from 9:30 to 10:00 am beginning on September 10th

Dear friends,


September is going to be a busy month for our church.

Please take a moment to read through articles about our various events.


On Sunday, September 10, we resume worship services at 10 AM. This is also the day that we celebrate RALLY SUNDAY, the first Sunday of a new program year for our church school which we call “God Time.”


As always, the children and youth will join with the congregation for the first part of the service and, after Time with Young People, will go to God Time. We will have special faith-based lessons and activities, followed by an Ice Cream social for everyone.


We are blessed at our church with a wide age range of children and youth. The Christian Ed. team and God Time Guides have purchased a new lectionary-based curriculum that is able to focus on age groups from preschool-teens. (The curriculum we used for many years is no longer in publication.)


And we will continue to offer childcare for our youngest children in the church nursery, with our childcare staff, Hayley LaTaille and nursery volunteers. 


Please share the news about Rally Sunday and our ministries with children and youth with family and friends!




Tuesday, Sept 5th Hosting Distribution of Crop walk materials: 5-6:30pm
Saturday, Sept 9th Drive Through Collection of Food
Sunday, Sept 10th Rally Sunday
Saturday, Sept 16th Fosterians Luncheon
Sunday, Sept 17th Just Peace team after worship
Sunday, Sept 24th Hoting International Peace Day Event


Rally Sunday, the beginning of a new program year for God Time/Sunday school, will be held SUNDAY, September 10, followed by an Ice Cream Social for everyone. Please help us spread the word!!


Thank you to everyone who provided special music for our worship services over the summer, with special thanks to Frank Jackson, our Organist and Choir Director, who coordinated the musicians and music.


Our thanks to:  “Pick-Up” Choir, Frank P. Jackson, Men’s Choir, Women’s Choir, Pamela Corey and Colleen Moynihan, Keith Walker and Pastor Barbara, Roxie & Steve Bailey, Sue Mcnary and Kathy Schoeck.


Time: 1-3 PM in our church parking lot. We will be collecting food for the Open Pantry. REMINDER: We collect non-perishable food for Open Pantry every Sunday. All donations are so appreciated.


All women of the church are invited! Everyone is asked to bring $5.00 to cover food costs. We also need help with hosting and bringing desserts. Please let Judy or Lori know if you can help AND let them know you are coming!


This walk is the oldest walk of its kind in Springfield, starting in 1977.


Over the past 45 years, congregations and groups have come together to support our most vulnerable neighbors who experience food insecurity.


A total of $765,604.51 has been raised, with $128,184.16 remaining right here in the Springfield area supporting programs like the Western Mass Food Bank, Open Pantry, and Lorraine’s Soup Kitchen. And although a lot has changed over the course of the last 46 years, our unwavering support for our most vulnerable neighbors has not.


The 46th Annual Greater Springfield CROP Hunger Walk will be held this year on Sunday, October 15.


We will gather at Trinity UMC church on Sumner Ave. at 1 PM for special music, and a very brief presentation. The walk, through Forest Park (1 or 3 miles) kicks off at 2 PM. After the walk, we return to Trinty for refreshments and fellowship.


Our church has participated in this walk for many, many years. We will have registration and sponsorship forms available beginning Sunday, September 10. Walkers of all ages are invited to participate.



Other ways to help if you are unable to participate as a walker: Being a member of the “Welcome Back” team, help with refreshments and more.


Please speak to Pastor Barbara if are able to help. 


One easy way to donate is through our Foster Memorial Church team web page:


Please spread the word to families and friends!

Note: Jeanie Marsh, Judy Milano and Vivian Gonzalez, along with Pastor Barbara, are members of the wider CROP Walk planning team. Ted Owczarski serves as our church’s registrar and treasurer.



Our church lawn                   

September 24, 2022/ 3:00-5:00 PM

Rain Plans:   
Inside the church


Representatives from many groups/organizations will be joining us for this event to mark and celebrate International Peace Day. Each organization will be invited to set up a table with resources and share information and conversation with other participants and guests. We will also have children’s activities, interactive activities for all ages including decoration of peace flags, music, and light refreshments. Please speak to Pastor Barbara or Bob Loesch if you can help us to host this event.


Along with in-person worship service, we offer pre-recorded worship services, posted each week (and special services) on YOU Tube, on our Foster Memorial Church Facebook page and on our church website: Worship services are also provided in print through the mail each week for people who do not have access to the internet. Contact the church office if you would like to receive the service in the mail or join our email list.

FosterMemorial Church
By Barbara Schenk January 31, 2025
Dear friends, The season of Epiphany, a season to focus on the beginnings of Jesus’ earthly ministry, his teachings, healings and ministries, continues for a longer period of time this year. Ash Wednesday, marking the beginning of the season of Lent, will be on March 5; Easter Sunday will be celebrated on April 20.
Foster Memorial Church
By Barbara Schenk January 31, 2025
Thanks to everyone who wrote Annual Reports for 2024. These reports help us to reflect on and take note of the many ways our church was active in the past year. Through all of our ministries, we continued to strive to live into being an Open and Affirming Church and a Just Peace Church through the words of our Church Purpose Statement
By Barbara Schenk January 21, 2025
Dear friends, With the new year comes a new church season, Epiphany, which begins on January 6. On the Sunday closest to this date, (January 7 this year), during our worship, we re-experience the story of the Magi’s visit to the Christ Child and his mother, Mary. As the season continues, our focus is on the early times of Jesus’ ministry on earth, his teachings, healings and miracles. Themes for this season include light and AHA! experiences of transformation. The liturgical color for Epiphany is white. As we remember the light of God shining through the earthly ministry of Jesus, so, in the midst of troubled times for our nation and world, may we remember our own call to shine God’s light. A prayer for this season, by Godfrey Rust: For those seekers who put truth before comfort and hope before security we give thanks. Grant us a wise man’s hope – light in darkness, use for our gifts, God at the end. During this holy season, may Jesus, the Light of the World, be revealed to us and through us. Blessings, Barbara This is also the season when we gather for our church’s Annual Meeting. The Executive Board has been working on arrangements; please see separate articles and please plan to join us.
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