February 2024 Newsletter

Barbara Schenk • January 31, 2024

Dear friends,


The season of Epiphany, a season to focus on the beginnings of Jesus’ earthly ministry continues through February 13. The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on February 14. We will have an in-person worship service that evening at 7 PM. This service sets the tone for the season of Lent, inviting us to follow Jesus on his journey to Jerusalem, while embarking on an inward journey of self-reflection. This year, it coincides with Valentine’s Day, reminding us of Jesus’ self-giving love.


We celebrate Holy Communion during this service, as well as Experiencing the Ashes. Please join us if you are able; we will also have a recorded Ash Wednesday service on our website at fostermemorial.org and on our Foster Memorial Church Facebook page.


Throughout these Lenten days and nights

we turn to walk the inward way,

where, meeting Christ, our guide and light,

we live in hope till Easter day.

- James Gertmenian



February Calendar

Date Event
All month Soup Collection
February 3 Men's Breakfast
February 10 Monthly Drive Through: Focus: Soup
February 11 Pancake Brunch: Fundraiser
February 11 Just Peace Team Meeting
February 14 Ash Wednesday Services at 7pm and on film
February 18 Events Team Open Meeting after worship
March 2 Fosterians: Sandwich Lunch and Bingo


All men of the church are invited to join on the first Saturday of the month for breakfast at a local restaurant. We meet at 8:20 AM in the front parking lot. Would love to see you there.

FANCAKE BRUNCH: Sunday, February 11

Shrove Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday. It is our tradition to hold a fun Pancake Brunch after worship on the Sunday before Shrove Tuesday/Ash Wednesday.


This year’s Brunch will be held on February 11 because Ash Wednesday this year is February 14 (Valentine’s Day!)Our theme for this Brunch is Mardi Gras/Fat Tuesday. Pancakes, sausage, fruit salad and beverages will be served. We’ll also have a fun Gift Basket Raffle.


A free will offering will be collected to help with support for the refugee family from Afghanistan, with whom we have the blessing of walking alongside. The brunch is hosted by our Christian Ed. Team, God Time Guides and lots of helpers! If you would like to help, please speak to Alice Kempf or Pastor Barbara.


There will also be filmed service posted on our website and

Facebook page


We are collecting soup throughout the month of February for the SOUPER BOWL OF CARING. In the past, we have collected as many as 600+ cans of soup. If you cannot shop for soup, donations with “SOUPER BOWL” in the memo of a check are also blessings to this annual outreach ministry. All soup will be donated to the Emergency Food Cupboard of the Open Pantry. Thanks so much for your support.


Our focus will be collecting soup for Souper Bowl of Caring. All non-perishable food donations are appreciated, to be donated to Open Pantry.                   


Everyone is invited to an Open Meeting to talk about plans for fund-raising events for the church this year. We have a few already scheduled. At this meeting, new ideas are welcome and please join us if you are interested in helping with planning and volunteering at events. Please speak to Lori LaTaille or Judy Milano for more information. Hope to see you there!


We have recorded worship services for each Sunday, posted on

You Tube, our website at http://www.fostermemorial.org/videos/

And on our Facebook page. Worship services are also provided in print through the mail each week for those without computer access. Please call the church office if you would like to be included on our “snail mail” weekly mailing list.


If we need to cancel worship or another special event during the winter season, we will try to post on Channel 22. We will have an outgoing message on our church office voicemail (413-782-2112) if worship or major event is cancelled. For smaller meetings, please contact the Chair. Thank you. Reminder: We provide film services, available on our Facebook page and on our website at fostermemorial.org.

FosterMemorial Church
By Barbara Schenk January 31, 2025
Dear friends, The season of Epiphany, a season to focus on the beginnings of Jesus’ earthly ministry, his teachings, healings and ministries, continues for a longer period of time this year. Ash Wednesday, marking the beginning of the season of Lent, will be on March 5; Easter Sunday will be celebrated on April 20.
Foster Memorial Church
By Barbara Schenk January 31, 2025
Thanks to everyone who wrote Annual Reports for 2024. These reports help us to reflect on and take note of the many ways our church was active in the past year. Through all of our ministries, we continued to strive to live into being an Open and Affirming Church and a Just Peace Church through the words of our Church Purpose Statement
By Barbara Schenk January 21, 2025
Dear friends, With the new year comes a new church season, Epiphany, which begins on January 6. On the Sunday closest to this date, (January 7 this year), during our worship, we re-experience the story of the Magi’s visit to the Christ Child and his mother, Mary. As the season continues, our focus is on the early times of Jesus’ ministry on earth, his teachings, healings and miracles. Themes for this season include light and AHA! experiences of transformation. The liturgical color for Epiphany is white. As we remember the light of God shining through the earthly ministry of Jesus, so, in the midst of troubled times for our nation and world, may we remember our own call to shine God’s light. A prayer for this season, by Godfrey Rust: For those seekers who put truth before comfort and hope before security we give thanks. Grant us a wise man’s hope – light in darkness, use for our gifts, God at the end. During this holy season, may Jesus, the Light of the World, be revealed to us and through us. Blessings, Barbara This is also the season when we gather for our church’s Annual Meeting. The Executive Board has been working on arrangements; please see separate articles and please plan to join us.
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