Dear friends,
With the new year comes a new church season, Epiphany, which begins on January 6. On the Sunday closest to this date, (January 7 this year), during our worship, we re-experience the story of the Magi’s visit to the Christ Child and his mother, Mary.
As the season continues, our focus is on the early times of Jesus’ ministry on earth, his teachings, healings and miracles. Themes for this season include light and AHA! experiences of transformation. The liturgical color for Epiphany is white.
As we remember the light of God shining through the earthly ministry of Jesus, so, in the midst of troubled times for our nation and world, may we remember our own call to shine God’s light.
A prayer for this season, by Godfrey Rust:
For those seekers
who put truth before comfort
and hope before security
we give thanks.
Grant us a wise man’s hope – light in darkness,
use for our gifts,
God at the end.
During this holy season, may Jesus, the Light of the World, be revealed to us and through us.
This is also the season when we gather for our church’s Annual Meeting. The Executive Board has been working on arrangements; please see separate articles and please plan to join us.
December Calendar
Date | Event |
Saturday, January 6 | Men's Breakfast leaving from church 8:30am |
Sunday, January 7th | Epiphany Sunday |
Saturday, January 13th 1-3pm | Collection of Donations of Food for Open Pantry |
Sunday, January 14th | Martin Luther King Jr. Sunday/Blankets Offering |
Sunday, January 21st 11am | Budget Proposal Meeting |
Sunday, January 28th | After worship: Annual Meeting Begins with Luncheon |
Ongoing | God Time, nursery care Sundays at 10:00 AM, Waving for Peace, Mondays from 3:30-4 PM |
We will hold an Informational Meeting about the Budget Proposed for 2024 on Sunday, January 21, following our worship service.
Our church’s Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 28 after worship. There will be a special soup luncheon, provided by the Deacons and friends. There will be a free will offering; all proceeds will help to fund our dinner ministry for Loaves and Fishes. Although voting is limited to church members, our church friends are also encouraged to attend. The meeting will include the acceptance of annual reports, the election of officers and board and committee members, discussion and voting on the 2024 budget and other business that may be brought before the meeting. Your participation is very much needed and appreciated. Please plan to attend.
All written reports should be completed by January 5. Please email reports to Pastor Barbara Thank you.
Thank you to everyone who has already made a financial pledge to the church. All pledges are a blessing and greatly appreciated. Pledge letters and cards are available in the entryway to the sanctuary. They can be put in the offering plate or mailed to the church office. Thank you!
Pledge envelope boxes are in the hallway next to our Friendship Room. Please sign on the clipboard if you would like to receive envelopes. Thank you for your support!
Saturday, January 13: 1-3 PM Back parking lot
We will be collecting Food for Open Pantry
Everyone is welcome to receive a Star Word for the year ahead. We will be distributing them throughout this month on Sunday mornings. If you would like one emailed to you, please contact Pastor Barbara. These are words we are invited to reflect on during the year to come. Or, select a word from the stars below.
Men's Breakfast will be held on Saturday, January 6. All men are invited to meet in the church’s front parking lot to leave for breakfast at 8:30 AM. Contact Biff Simpson for more information.
Each year, over 8000 congregations and organizations across the nation collect donations for the offering of CWS (Church World Srvice), providing funds to help people in need around the world. Our donations help provide:
*Blankets, tents, food and other emergency supplies in the wake of a disaster.
*Tools and seeds for refugees returning home to replant their fields
*Wells for families living in drought prone areas
*Literacy training for women struggling to realize their potential
*And much more!
We collect a special offering for Blankets + on Martin Luther King Jr. Sunday, observed this year on January 14.
Everyone is invited to start collecting soup for SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY, celebrated on February 11. We will be collecting soup throughout January and February. Our donations will help our neighbors who receive services through the Open Pantry, here in Springfield.