Dear friends,
This month, the season of Easter continues. It is a joyful season of 50 days, which lasts from Easter Sunday to Pentecost Sunday, celebrated this year on May 19. During this season, we focus on Jesus’ appearances to his followers after his death and resurrection. One of my favorite hymns for this season is
In The Bulb There is a Flower by Natalie Sleeth.
In the bulb there is a flower;
in the seed, an apple tree;
in cocoons, a hidden promise:
butterflies will soon be free!
In the cold and snow of winter
there’s a spring that waits to be,
unrevealed until its season,
something God alone can see.
There’s a song in every silence,
seeking word and melody.
There’s a dawn in every darkness,
bringing hope to you and me.
From the past will come the future;
what it holds, a mystery,
unrevealed until its season,
something God alone can see.
Worship Each Sunday at 10am
Nursery Care and Church school provided
Men’s Breakfast
Meet at the front parking lot at 8:20 AM
Saturday, May 11, 1:00 -3:00 PM
Drive Up Collection of Food Donations for Open Pantry
Sunday, May 12 after worship
Meeting of Just Peace Team: All welcome
Saturday, May 18 at 11AM
May Gathering for Fosterians (all women welcome)
Looking ahead:
Saturday, June 1: Vendor Fair/Tag Sale
Sunday, June 2: Relay for Life Special Offering
Saturday, June 8: Drive Through Donations for Open Pantry
Sunday, June 9: Children and Youth Sunday
Sunday, June 16: Last Sunday for Choir
Monthly Drive Through Collection Saturday, May 11, 1-3pm
We will be collecting non-perishable food to be donated to Open Pantry. All food donations are appreciated! When we deliver the food, we hear how much the donations are appreciated. We are also thankful to members of our community who participate in this outreach mission each month!
Fosterians Gathering: Saturday, May 18 11am
Please note the start time for this gathering is 11 AM.
All women members and friends of the church are invited to this gathering, which will include a fun game and theme, light lunch and a discussion about the upcoming Vendor Fair/Yard Sale. There will be a free will offering to help with expenses for the lunch We are also looking for people to provide desserts! We hope you can join us. Contact Lori LaTaille or Judy Milano to let them know you are coming!
Cutting Edge Team Wednesdays from 5-6pm
We have a new team of volunteers who are assisting our Garden Angels with outdoor work. When it rains, the team comes in to take on short projects. Everyone is welcome to help. The team works each week for one hour. If you would like more information, please speak to Keith Walker.
Vendor Fair & Yard Sale
Saturday, June 1, 2024
9 AM-3 PM
Rain or shine!!
Foster Memorial Church, UCC
1791 Wilbraham Road, Springfield, MA
If you would like to be a vendor,
please call Lori at 413-626-9040
New and gently used items for sale!
Something for everyone!
Bake Sale, lunch for purchase and a fun
Gift Basket Raffle!
Volunteers are Needed!
Help is needed for set-up, clean-up, cashiers, Bake Goods table, lunch prep and serving and more. It takes the help of many, many members and friends of our church to make this fundraiser a success. Please speak to Lori or Judy Milano if you can help.
Donations Needed:
New or gently used articles
Please: no clothes or linens, Small appliances only (no TVs)
Donations of jewelry are appreciated.
We also need baked goods for our Bake Sale table
Relay for Life: Sunday, June 2
On this day, we will have a special offering and special coffee hour to mark our Annual Relay for Life Sunday.
This year’s offering will be donated to Sister Caritas Cancer Center at Mercy Medical Center and Baystate Health D’Amour Cancer Center.
Your support is greatly appreciated.
Texas Roadhouse Monthly Fund-Raiser
Just show this to your server on May 5
Between 11:30 AM-3PM
In the Office
Elizabeth Heiney is going to be leaving as our Administrative Assistant at the end of April. She has an Internship in Minnesota for the summer, and then will be back in the area to finish her degree at Western New England University. We want to thank Elizabeth very much for her work on behalf of our church.
Our Personnel/Hiring team has hired a new Administrative Assistant. Patrick O’Brien is finishing up his sophomore year at Western New England University, with a major in Creative Writing and minor in English. He will begin work in our church office on
May 1. Patrick is the son of church member Amy Pawle and the grandson of church member Elva Merry. Welcome!
Office hours are Wednesday and Friday, 9 AM- noon.