June 2024 Newsletter

Barbara Schenk • June 4, 2024

Dear friends,

June is here, with several special activities and events, including our Vendor Fair, Children and Youth Sunday, Flat Jesus project and more. Please see the articles and calendar in this newsletter for more information.


And please note that our worship time will change from

10 AM to 9:30 AM beginning July 2.




Vendor Fair & Yard Sale

Saturday, June 1, 2024

9am - 3pm

Rain or shine!

Foster Memorial Church, UCC

1791 Wilbraham Road, Springfield, MA

New and gently used items for sale!

Something for everyone!

Bake Sale, lunch for purchases and a fun Gift Basket Raffle!

June Calendar

Saturday, June 1:

Vendor Fair / Tag Sale


Saturday, June 8:

Drive Through Collection for OP

Sunday, June 9:

Children and Youth Sunday/Ice Cream Social


Children and Youth Sunday: June 9:

There will be special activities for our God Time (church school). Following our worship, everyone is invited to an “ice cream social” on the lawn or inside, as weather permits.

Summer Schedule For Worship

We will be collecting non-perishable food to be donated to Open Pantry. All food donations are appreciated! When we deliver the food, we hear how much the donations are appreciated. We are also thankful to members of our community who participate in this outreach mission each month!

God Time Summer Schedule

We are looking for Volunteers to facilitate God Time (church school) for July and August. We are also looking for Nursery Volunteers. Please speak to Pastor Barbara or Lori LaTaille if you would be able to help.

Recorded Worship Services

Along with in-person worship service, we offer recorded worship services, posted each week (and for special services) on YOU Tube, our Foster Memorial Church Facebook page and on our church website: http://www.fostermemorial.org

Worship services are also provided in print through the mail each week for people who do not have access to the internet. Contact the church office if you would like to receive the printed service in  the mail.

God Times Guides and Nursery Volunteers

The Christian Education Board would like to thank this year’s God Time Guides who worked with our children and youth throughout the school year on Sunday mornings. Thank you to Karen Coughlin, Robin and Kevin Withers, Lori LaTaille, Gail Foss, Matt Kobjack, Kim Kobjack, Sharon Gormbley and Alice Kempf for sharing your gifts and talents with our young people. We are so very grateful to you all! Thank you to Hayley LaTaille, our staff nursery care provider and to our nursery volunteers: Amy Pawle, Joanne Wells, Karen Coughlin, Laura Bisbee Condega, Deb Kirchherr, Aubrey Kobjack and Ellie McRobie.

Thank You To Our Choir

Our Chancel Choir will take a break for the summer, but there will be opportunities for anyone who would like to join us for both Men and Women’s “Pick Up” Choirs over the weeks of summer: Stay tuned for more information! Our grateful thanks to our Choir Director/Organist, Frank Jackson, and to our choir members: Pam Corey, Becky Crampton Kamukala, Sandy Moore, Bev Weinhold-Shultz, Charlie Shultz, Nick Chechile, Vivian Gonzalez, Gerri Thompson, Gay and Ted Owczarski, Joe Rosati, Eric Sutter, Judy Milano and Pastor Barbara.   

Monthly Drive Through Collection of Donations for OP Saturday, June 8: 1-3PM

We will be collecting non-perishable food to be donated to Open Pantry. All non-perishable food donations are appreciated!

Report from our Delegates: Written by Rev. Susan Taratino

On Sunday April 21, 2024 , the Hampden Association gathered in Longmeadow at First Church of Christ. Members and guests celebrated the call and Installation of The Rev. Doug Bixby. The full celebration included music provided by Longmeadow’s choir and organist, and a stirring sermon offered by the Rev. Dennis Moon of Glastonbury, a long-time friend and colleague of the Longmeadow Pastor.


Rev. Bixby offered words about his experiences, his faith journey and lifelong involvement with the church. His formal ministry began in the Evangelical Covenant Church in which he served two churches over fifteen years. Over this period, he felt increasingly called to greater diversity and to ministries of social justice and inclusion for all persons. He detailed his wonderful ecumenical journey and his thoughtful transition from one denomination to another. By the action of the gathered Association, he was welcomed with full ordained standing into the United Church of Christ and the Hampden Association.   


A reception followed with amazing food and drink. We are all grateful for and celebrate their ministries. 

Foster Softball Season is Here!


The Inter-Church Softball League's season has begun! Website above. There is also a Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/WesternMAChurchSoftball

Everyone is always welcome! Go, Foster team!

FosterMemorial Church
By Barbara Schenk January 31, 2025
Dear friends, The season of Epiphany, a season to focus on the beginnings of Jesus’ earthly ministry, his teachings, healings and ministries, continues for a longer period of time this year. Ash Wednesday, marking the beginning of the season of Lent, will be on March 5; Easter Sunday will be celebrated on April 20.
Foster Memorial Church
By Barbara Schenk January 31, 2025
Thanks to everyone who wrote Annual Reports for 2024. These reports help us to reflect on and take note of the many ways our church was active in the past year. Through all of our ministries, we continued to strive to live into being an Open and Affirming Church and a Just Peace Church through the words of our Church Purpose Statement
By Barbara Schenk January 21, 2025
Dear friends, With the new year comes a new church season, Epiphany, which begins on January 6. On the Sunday closest to this date, (January 7 this year), during our worship, we re-experience the story of the Magi’s visit to the Christ Child and his mother, Mary. As the season continues, our focus is on the early times of Jesus’ ministry on earth, his teachings, healings and miracles. Themes for this season include light and AHA! experiences of transformation. The liturgical color for Epiphany is white. As we remember the light of God shining through the earthly ministry of Jesus, so, in the midst of troubled times for our nation and world, may we remember our own call to shine God’s light. A prayer for this season, by Godfrey Rust: For those seekers who put truth before comfort and hope before security we give thanks. Grant us a wise man’s hope – light in darkness, use for our gifts, God at the end. During this holy season, may Jesus, the Light of the World, be revealed to us and through us. Blessings, Barbara This is also the season when we gather for our church’s Annual Meeting. The Executive Board has been working on arrangements; please see separate articles and please plan to join us.
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