September 2024 Newsletter

Barbara Schenk • September 2, 2024

Please note: Worship time changes from 9:30 AM to

10:000 AM, beginning on September 1.


September marks the turning of the seasons. We are moving ahead with activities and ministries. Our Craft Fair Sale is coming up on September 7. Please speak to Lori if you would like to help.  Rally Sunday, marking a new program year for church, will be held the next day.


Wider church/community events: Everyone is invited to help us host International Peace Day on Sunday, September 22. We would also love to have folks from our church stop by to experience the event. Our CROP Hunger Walk will be held on October 6. Please see separate articles for more information about these and more upcoming events.


September also marks the beginning of the school year in our region. Thank you to everyone for donations of school supplies for our partner, Rebecca Johnson School.


Holy God, bless teachers and administrators,

 school staff, volunteers, and families.

Bless everyone involved with education

throughout the world


During these uncertain and challenging times,

We pray for the safety and well- being of all your beloved.

All this we ask in the name of Jesus, who said,

“Let the Children come to me.” AMEN.



September Calendar:


Worship Service time resumes at 10 AM


  • Saturday, September 7: Craft Fair: 9 AM-3 PM
  • Sunday, September 8 during worship: Rally Sunday: Just Peace Team will meet after coffee hour
  • Saturday, September 14: Drive Through 1-3 PM
  • Sunday, September 22: Peace Day Event 3-5 PM

October Calendar:

  • Saturday, October 5: Men’s Club meet at 8:20 AM
  • Sunday, October 6: Crop Walk
  • Saturday, October 12: Drive Through: 1-3 PM
  • Sunday, October 20: Blessing of the Animals
  • Sunday, October 27: Trick or Treat for UNICEF

November Calendar:

  • Friday, November 1: Quarter Auction
  • Saturday, November 2: Men’s Club meet at 8:20 AM
  • Saturday, November 2: Fosterians 12-2 PM
  • Saturday, November 9: Drive Through 1-3 PM

Craft Fair

Saturday, September 7, 2024: 9 AM-3 PM

Indoor and Outdoor Vendors

Location: Our church

If you would like to be a vendor,

please contact Lori at 413-626-9040 or email

Quality Crafts: Something for everyone!

Lunch for purchase and a fun Gift Basket Raffle!

We need Vendors and Helpers. Please contact Lori

God Time/Rally Sunday

Rally Sunday, the beginning of a new program year for God Time/Sunday school, will be held SUNDAY, September 8, followed by an Ice Cream Social for everyone. Please help us spread the word!!


Time: 1-3 PM in our church parking lot. We will be collecting food for the Open Pantry. REMINDER: We collect non-perishable food for Open Pantry every Sunday. Our focus foods are pasta and rice. All donations are so appreciated.



We are hosting this event for the third year!

Date/Time:  September 2, 2024, from 3:00-5:00 PM

Rain Plans:    Inside the church


Representatives from area groups/organizations/faith communities working on issues of justice and peace will gather to mark and celebrate International Peace Day. Each organization will be invited to set up a table with resources and share information and conversation with other participants and guests. We will also have art activities, music, and light refreshments.

Please speak to Pastor Barbara or Bob Loesch if you can help us to host this event. And please spread the word to neighbors and friends to come and find out more about how people in our local area are addressing issues of justice and peace.

Greater Crop Walk: Save the date: October 6th

The CROPWALK is the oldest and first walk of its kind in our city of Springfield. 75% of the money raised works around the world; 25% is distributed to our neighbors in nrrf through local agencies. This year’s walk will be held on Sunday, October 6. We gather for the walk at Trinity United Methodist Church on Sumner Ave, at 1 PM. The walk kicks off at 2 PM; we walk through Forest Park (either one or three miles) and return to Trinity for refreshments.


We always need helpers with refreshments and our “Welcome Back” team, as well as walkers and sponsors. Please speak to Pastor Barbara or Judy Milano if you are able to help.


Thank you to everyone who provided special music for our worship services over the summer, with special thanks to Frank Jackson, our Organist and Choir Director, who coordinated the musicians and music.


Our thanks to: “Pick-Up” Choir, Frank P. Jackson, Men’s Choral Group, Women’s Choral Group,, Keith Walker & Pastor Barbara, Roxie & Steve Bailey, Sue Mcnary and Kathy Schoeck.


Along with in-person worship service, we offer pre-recorded worship services, posted each week (and special services) on YOU Tube, on our Foster Memorial Church Facebook page and on our church website: Worship services are also provided in print through the mail each week for people who do not have access to the internet. Contact the church office if you would like to receive the service in the mail or join our email list.


Thank you to everyone who served this summer as…

God Time Guides, nursery helpers, garden angels, deacons and ushers, coffee hour leaders and teams, those in charge our church finances, our film crew, wavers for peace, lift operators, members of boards, committees, teams and many more who serve behind the scenes! 

FosterMemorial Church
By Barbara Schenk January 31, 2025
Dear friends, The season of Epiphany, a season to focus on the beginnings of Jesus’ earthly ministry, his teachings, healings and ministries, continues for a longer period of time this year. Ash Wednesday, marking the beginning of the season of Lent, will be on March 5; Easter Sunday will be celebrated on April 20.
Foster Memorial Church
By Barbara Schenk January 31, 2025
Thanks to everyone who wrote Annual Reports for 2024. These reports help us to reflect on and take note of the many ways our church was active in the past year. Through all of our ministries, we continued to strive to live into being an Open and Affirming Church and a Just Peace Church through the words of our Church Purpose Statement
By Barbara Schenk January 21, 2025
Dear friends, With the new year comes a new church season, Epiphany, which begins on January 6. On the Sunday closest to this date, (January 7 this year), during our worship, we re-experience the story of the Magi’s visit to the Christ Child and his mother, Mary. As the season continues, our focus is on the early times of Jesus’ ministry on earth, his teachings, healings and miracles. Themes for this season include light and AHA! experiences of transformation. The liturgical color for Epiphany is white. As we remember the light of God shining through the earthly ministry of Jesus, so, in the midst of troubled times for our nation and world, may we remember our own call to shine God’s light. A prayer for this season, by Godfrey Rust: For those seekers who put truth before comfort and hope before security we give thanks. Grant us a wise man’s hope – light in darkness, use for our gifts, God at the end. During this holy season, may Jesus, the Light of the World, be revealed to us and through us. Blessings, Barbara This is also the season when we gather for our church’s Annual Meeting. The Executive Board has been working on arrangements; please see separate articles and please plan to join us.
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