Dear friends,
I hope everyone is enjoying the summer – it seems to be flying! Many events and special worship services are coming up! We also hope to have a Garden Tour – if we’re not able to have it in person, we will provide a filmed tour!
This reminds me of a beautiful hymn: “The Beautiful Garden of Prayer” by Eleanor Allen Schroll:
1 There’s a garden where Jesus is waiting,
There’s a place that is wondrously fair,
For it glows with the light of His presence
’Tis that beautiful garden of prayer.
Refrain: O the beautiful garden, the garden of prayer,
O the beautiful garden of prayer!
There my Savior awaits, and He opens the gates
To the beautiful garden of prayer.
2 There’s a garden where Jesus is waiting,
And I go, with my burden and care,
Just to learn from His lips words of comfort
In the beautiful garden of prayer. [Refrain]
3 There’s a garden where Jesus is waiting,
And He bids you to come meet Him there,
Just to bow and receive a new blessing
In the beautiful garden of prayer. [Refrain]
Important Dates
July-August 11: Collection of school supplies for Rebecca Johnson
August Calendar
Saturday, August 3: Men’s Club meet front parking lot at 8:20 AM
Sunday, August 4 at 10:30 AM: Rain Date: August 11
10th Anniversary of Waving for Peace
Saturday, August 10 1-3 PM:
Drive Through Collection of Food for Open Pantry
and School Supplies for Rebecca Johnson
Sunday, August 11 during worship:
Blessing of School Supplies
Tuesday, August 27: (Crop Team)
Hosting Distribution of Crop Hunger Walk materials
Sunday, September 1:
Worship Service time resumes at 10 AM
Saturday, September 7:
Craft Fair: 9-3 Vendors asked to provide tables and set up
Sunday, September 8 during worship:
Rally Sunday: First Day of the Church School Program Year
Saturday, September 14:1-3 PM
Drive Through Collection of Food for Open Pantry
Sunday, September 22:
Hosting International Peace Day:
Sunday mornings:
God Time and Nursery Care
Coffee Hour after worship
Monday afternoons:
Waving for Peace from 3:30-4 PM
Wednesdays 5-6PM
Cutting Edge Group
Third Thursday:
Prep for Loaves and Fishes Dinner
Third Friday:
Serving Dinner at Loaves and Fishes
Last week:
Delivering baked goods to Loaves & Fishes
Crop Walk: Sunday, October 6
Drive Through: Saturday, October 12
Blessing of the Animals: Sunday, October 20
We will be collecting school supplies through August 11. Needed: Everything from pencils to backpacks, notebooks, glue sticks, crayons, colored pencils, and two and four pocket folders and more! Thanks to everyone for your support!
8/4 Men’s Choral Group
8/11 Frank P. Jackson, Pianist
8/18 Women’s Choral Group
8/25 Kathy Schoeck, Violinist
9/1 Pickup Choir (note: Rehearsal at 9:15 AM)
Everyone is invited to join the Pickup Choir and men are invited to join Men’s Choral Group. Rehearsals will be held in the sanctuary on Sunday at 8:45 AM. Please speak to Frank Jackson for more information.
Sunday, August 4, following worship
All are welcome to help us celebrate TEN years of Waving for Peace on Monday afternoons. We will wave for a half hour. Chairs are provided. All ages welcome!
Time: 1-3 PM in our church parking lot. We will be collecting food for the Open Pantry and School Supplies for Rebecca Johson School. REMINDER: We collect non-perishable food for Open Pantry every Sunday. All donations are so appreciated.
Saturday, September 7th: 9 AM-3PM
Indoor and Outdoor Vendors
Foster Memorial Church, UCC
1791 Wilbraham Road, Springfield, MA
If you would like to be a vendor,
please contact Lori at 413-626-9040 or email
Quality Crafts: Something for everyone!
Lunch for purchase and a fun Gift Basket Raffle!
We are once again the hosts for this event!
Sunday, September 22 from 3- 5 PM Rain Plans: Inside
We need helpers for set up, clean-up and refreshments. Please speak to Bob Loesch or Pastor Barbara if you would be able to help.
Please save the date for the walk: Sunday, October 6. We gather for the walk at Trinity United Methodist Church on Sumner Ave, at 1 PM. The walk kicks off at 2 PM; we walk through Forest Park (either one or three miles) and return to Trinity for refreshments. We always need helpers with refreshments and our “Welcome Back” team, as well as walkers and sponsors. Please speak to Pastor Barbara or Jeanie Marsh if you can help.
Annual Blessing of the Animals:
Sunday, October 20 at 2:00 PM
Join us for this special event! All animals must be on a leash or in a carrier. Photos of pets also welcome! Everyone is also invited to bring pet food, toys and supplies to be donated to Thomas J. O’Connor Animal Control and Adoption Center. New or gently used towels are especially needed. Everyone welcome, with your animals or just to enjoy this event!