Dear friends,
Reminder: Our worship service time shifts to 9:30 AM from
July 7 through August.
Everyone’s Help is Welcome!
The events and ongoing ministries listed- and others not listed - in this newsletter are OPEN to anyone who would like to get involved. Please speak to the contacts below or to me for more information:
(Apologies for any omissions)
Craft Fair/Vendor Fairs/Raffles: Lori LaTaille
July Pancake Brunch: Pastor Barbara & Keith Walker
Prep for Loaves and Fishes: Joanne & Peter Wells
Serving Loaves and Fishes: Joe Rosati
Choir: Frank Jackson
CROP Hunger Walk and Drive Through: Jeanie Marsh
Finance Board: Kevin Withers
Foster Softball: Matt Kobjack & Wilberth Condega Ortiz
Garden Angels and Altar Design: Judy Milano & Gerri Thompson
Cutting Edge (help with lawn and gardens): Keith Walker
Bun Run – delivering baked goods to Loaves & Fishes: Sandy Moore
International Peace Day/Just Peace Group: Bob Loesch
Deacons (support for worship & care:) Mary Caron
Trustees (buildings and grounds): Jim Cummings
Christian Ed, God Time, readers for worship, Coffee Hour, Filmed Worship Service & Nursery Volunteers: Pastor Barbara
Fosterians Women’s Group: Lori LaTaille & Judy Milano
Men’s Group: Biff Simpson
Delegates: Susan Tarantino & Bob Loesch
Blessings in this summer season,
July Calendar
July-August 11: Collection of school supplies for Rebecca Johnson
Saturday, July 13 1-3 PM:
Drive Through Collection of Food for Open Pantry
Sunday, July 28 at 10:30 AM:
Pancake Brunch with performance and singalong by Keith Walker Fundraiser for our church's Sprinkler System
August Calendar
Sunday, August 4 at 10:30 AM:
10th Anniversary of Waving for Peace
(Rain date: August 11):
Saturday, August 10 1-3 PM:
Drive Through Collection of Food for Open Pantry
And School Supplies for Rebecca Johnson
Sunday, August 11 during worship:
Blessing of School Supplies
Tuesday, August 27:
Hosting Distribution of Crop Hunger Walk materials
Sunday, September 1:
Worship Service time resumes at 10 AM
Saturday, September 7:
Craft Fair: 9-3 Vendors asked to provide tables and set up
Sunday, September 8 during worship:
Rally Sunday: First Day of the Church School Program Year
Saturday, September 14:1-3 PM
Drive Through Collection of Food for Open Pantry
Sunday, September 22:
Hosting International Peace Day:
Sunday mornings:
God Time and Nursery Care
Coffee Hour after worship
Monday afternoons:
Waving for Peace from 3:30-4 PM
Wednesdays 5-6PM
Cutting Edge Group
Third Thursday:
Prep for Loaves and Fishes Dinner
Third Friday:
Serving Dinner at Loaves and Fishes
Last week:
Delivering baked goods to Loaves & Fishes
We will be collecting school supplies through August 11. Needed: Everything from pencils to backpacks, notebooks, glue sticks, crayons, colored pencils, and two and four pocket folders and more! Thanks to everyone for your support!
Sunday, July 28 at 10:30 AM
This is a Fundraiser to help with expenses for our church's sprinkler system. Please speak to Pastor Barbara if you are able to help in the kitchen or hosting.
Collection of Food for Open Pantry
We also collect food for Open Pantry each Sunday during our worship services. This summer, we will also be collecting school supplies.
Sunday, August 4, following worship
All are welcome to help us celebrate TEN years of Waving for Peace on Monday afternoons. We will wave for a half hour. Chairs are provided. All ages welcome!
6/30 Pickup Choir
7/7 Women’s Choral Group
7/14 Roxy & Steve Bailey, Vocalists &
7/21 Sue Mcnary, Soprano
7/28 Barbara Schenk & Keith Walker
Vocalists & Instrumentalists
8/4 Men’s Choral Group
8/11 Frank P. Jackson, Pianist
8/18 Pickup Choir
8/25 Kathy Schoeck, Violinist
9/1 Pickup Choir
Everyone is invited to join the Pickup Choir. Women are invited to join the Women’s Choral Group and men invited to join Men’s Choral Group. Rehearsals will be held in the sanctuary on Sunday at 8:45 AM. Please speak to Frank Jackson for more information.
Saturday, September 7th: 9 AM-3PM
Vendors Welcome!
Outside and Inside Spaces Available
Cost: $30.00 per vendor
We request that vendors supply their own tables
Speak to Lori LaTaille for more information!
413-626-9040 or
There will also be lunch items for purchase
and Gift Basket Raffles.
There are three weeks left to the season!
Tuesdays: July 9, 16 and 23 beginning at 5:30 PM.
Please contact Pastor Barbara for game locations, because there might be changes. The games on the 9th are scheduled to be played at Bethany Assembly Church in Agawam.
The locations for July 16 and 23: TBD
Everyone is always welcome and encouraged to come!
Go, Foster team!